Tha funk capital of the world

Disques compacts

Collins, Bootsy

Éditeur :
Date :
Genres musicaux :
Soul, rhythm and blues, funk  
Tous les titres :
Spreading hope like dope.
Hip hop @ funk u.
Mirrors tell lies.
Jb- still the man.
After these messages.
Kool whip.
The real deal.
Don't take my funk.
If looks could kill.
Minds under construction.
Siento bombo.
The jazz greats.
Garry shider tribute.
Stars have no names.
Chocolate caramel angel.
Yummy, i got the munchies
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Médiathèque Gaston Baissette Disponible Tout public Mauguio 1er étage musique cinéma Jazz Blues 180 COL -